Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Wake Up Wednesday #3

Good morning squirrels! So anyway I just realized this is Wake up Wednesday and you read it on Thursday so since today is the last family night I can write early for Wake up Wednesday! I mean it's not called wake up Thursday- I think  wake up Wednesday just sounds professional. NOT. Wait, hello? Are you ok? Come on my blog, isn't that boring......... is it? Oh, I know why most of you are day dreaming. Because there are 2 more weeks of school. Well unless your home schooled- then I want to meet a person that is named school so then I can BEAT HIM UP! Well of course if it's a girl I'll do the proper way. Step 1 Dig a hole. Step 2 trick the girl then leave her there forever! So ya oh and thank you emma for posting/asking if I could tell you the stuff I got from Boston! Ok so most of the stuff liked to play with your wallet so I had to be careful of what I chose but...... Oh I talk too much,that didn't need an answer. Let me just tell you the stuff I got. So the first thing I got was this thing/gear that is called wind breaker and basically  its farting gear. So if you have a little brother then he is sure to love this. I also got a really cute android necklace that is pink and and mushed penny that has an owl on it. So that is all my stuff and write to you later!


1 comment:

  1. no! you're not boring at all!!:) sorry i wasn't there last night:( we were still a little sick. sounds like you had a good time in Boston! farting gear:)
