Friday, March 29, 2013

Wacky life.

Hey everyone! So I just got off of See Anna and Emma's Fun Place- if you want to see pictures of me, you can go on Emma's Fun Place and look at them! I started this blog not to long ago and I love writing on my blog! The really cool thing about my blog is I get to see a lot of other girls that love to blog, like my friends Emma, Anna, and Madison! I'm not sure yet but I think Madison is doing her own blog too. I'll have to remember to give you an update on that.OH! Before I say bye ,I just want to tell you the most bazaar thing that happened to me today.So today was a daddy daughter date and my dad took me to Subway!  The man who was making my sandwich was from England! Yes, I thought that was really cool, but I wanted to meet my first English guy in,well of course.... ENGLAND! But have you ever met an English guy from Subway? Well, I found out that I get a lot of time for posting on Mondays and Fridays, so for Monday, I was thinking of calling it the Early Bird and calling Friday Wrap Up. So hope you guys enjoyed this post!

                   Jean <3  

1 comment:

  1. Fun!! I love Daddy daughter dates!! Wow-that's a new one! I have personally never met anyone from England or anywhere outside of the United States-except your papa:)-and think that is pretty cool! I can't wait to see you tomorrow at church!
