Monday, March 18, 2013

The Rectial chapter 1

"Mornin' Mom!" said 10 year old Autumn Brooks as she rushed through the kitchen. "Wait Autumn! Don't you want your lunch?" yelled Autmn's mom. "I'll pay for hot lunch!" she yelled as she ran outside "Hey Matilda!" she called to her friend. "What's up?" yelled 11 year old Matilda "Can you have your lil' sister's lunch?" "Eww!"  Matilda  walked out of the house looking like she was about to puke.
 "Good morning class!" Said Miss Lala, the third and fourth grade teacher. "Now please take out your spelling books and we will begin practicing our poems!" "Oh no." whispered Kaya, who was Autumn's best friend since kindergarten.. "What is it?" Autumn whispered back. "I  left my spelling book at home and Miss Lala said if I forget it again then I'll be out of recess!" Autumn felt bad for Kaya so she said, "Well, I guess you can use my book today and I'll say I forgot mine at home." "Kaya and Autumn, please put both of your names on the warning board." Miss Lala said, looking at them. "Um," Autumn hesitated. "I think I left my spelling book at home and well,I was asking Kaya if I could us her book." Autumn felt bad to lie to the teacher, but she didn't want to have her best friend stay inside for recess."Well Autumn, you've never forgotten your spelling book before,are you telling the truth?" "N-no," sighed Autumn "Why did you lie?" asked Miss Lala "Well, I guess I can understand that you want to protect your friend, so, I'll make a deal with you." "Please tell me!" exclaimed Autumn "Okay,okay, my deal is I will not let Kaya stay in for any spelling time recess." said Miss Lala.  Autumn said, "Well, if you will let Kaya not have to stay in for recess I will not lie to you at all." The teacher liked that idea and let Autumn go eat her snack. "Hey, Autumn!"yelled Kaya from Table 9. Kaya walked up to Autumn. "Hey, did you get in trouble?" Autumn answered, "No."  "Okay, everyone! Please pick up your things and get in line to go to the gym!" Everyone rushed to get to the gym to play.  "Miss Laya's class, time to go down stairs!" So all of Miss Laya's class went down stairs to get to their class.


 Once Autumn got home, she told her sister all about her day. "Hey Mom! Today was so awesome!" "Yes dear -now your late for dance class! And don't forget tomorrow is your big recital!" Autumn felt really scared at the mention of her recital. She ran upstairs and grabbed her bag, and then ran to her dance class. Once she finished dancing before everyone, Miss Jean-the teacher- said, "Now class, remember there is a big recital tomorrow! Does anyone know why this recital is so big?" 10 and a half year old Jessica Lane, the most popular girl in dance class and school raised her hand high  to showoff her freshly painted professionally done nails.. "Yes Jessica?" said the teacher. Jessica giggled before she spoke. "Well,the reason why this recital is so important is because this is our first recital!" Jessica said like she was a queen, then went on.   "And you all should be exited 'cause I'm the princess!" "Yes,  now all of you make sure you have a good night's rest for tomorrow!"


  1. Great Jean! Sounds good!

  2. Could you email me your email address please?

  3. Replies
    1. Could you email me? I want to know what your email address is so I can email you:) You remember my email, right?

  4. Oh sorry it's

  5. I love this it is so cool I cant stop reading it

