Sunday, March 17, 2013

Just a little showing

Hey again! So, I just woke up a couple minutes ago and as I woke up, I felt like a had to do a new post.
So, I just wanted to talk about my new story I'm writing called The Recital, and this story is all about a girl that is 10 years old and she wants to become a dancer when she grows up. But she realizes that she has stage fright and she doesn't want to go on stage and make a bigger fool of herself. So, I hope you enjoy it when start to post it!

                                            Jean (;


  1. Hi Jean!
    I can't wait to read your story! It sounds really good! We missed you in church today-was your mom sick? Thanks again for the great slumber party!

  2. Oh, and Jean, can you email me your dad's email address so I can email you those pictures from the sleepover? Thanks! You remember my email, right? It's in your notebook. Thanks!

  3. Hi Jean cant wait for the book love the first chapter cant wait to see the rest hope it will be as good as horses for Hannah (just kiding)

